Storing a caravan can create problems for access. Our customer in Thorpe St Andrew came to us to free up space in their driveway and provide a new way to store their caravan.
An area behind the garage was paved over and had a low kerb on the street. Perfect for storing a caravan. At the side of the property, we removed a section of existing fencing to provide a gap wide enough to drive a caravan through. We also removed a large hedge that was blocking the way, disposing of all the waste for the customer.
We installed two 175mm gate posts and attached the double-leaf 1.8m high x 3m wide access gate. This was built in our workshop and installed with the hinges on the outside to allow for outward opening.
We fitted two slide bolt locks as well as a standard drop bolt on the inside of the gate. All of our work is made to measure with pressure treated timber that comes with a 15-year timber guarantee!